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Dalek Two Zero
Dalek Two Zero can only look 90 degrees left and right.· 0 replies
This is cos I used a cross beam to strengthen the thin MDF - I hadn't considered using thick 18mm+ board to make a stronger top to the neck bin.
This could let me look directly behind on one side, and over my shoulder on the other....but would it be worth the hassle, how often would I really use it?
Would the joystick easily go behind my head anyway?
I could also look at using 5mm+ board instead of MDF to replace the front of my always drooping bumper...
While none of these faults are mission limiting, it's hard to justify the time, hassle and cost of working on them though.
Getting a bubble firing gunstick, or a working pop out "EXTERMINATE!" flag should be my top priorities!
Daniel Parr1
thought I'd share two videos of when we first tested out Dalek-001 (Skowen) after his referb and with our team mate Owen driving· 0 replies
469797013_27751290954519604_4059659610552769662_n.mp4 471699508_9463561267009967_14423531905399667_n.mp4 -
Paperback Writer
Has anyone else had problems with Outlook, and Chrome accounts. After a recent set of updates; to Windows... I've had to recover my gmail account (consequently one of my Chrome Accounts) My regualar and other email accounts in Outlook and rest or change the paswords for most of them. I've given up with facebook... Their Draconian AI and Bots killed acccess to ll my accounts; my original one was hacked by some Argentinian hacker. I might still try and recover that; but all my subsequent accounts eoither got compromised and the system didn't believe I was the account owner. And the last attempt to set up yet another account was blocked because I enteres a profile pic of my uglu mush. And to recover it before a deadline; I'd need to submit a photo of my Drtiving licence; three scanned documents and more information... Bloody AI's and their LLM's. Mark Zuckerberg will find himself locked out of his accounts and see haew he likes what he's set everybody up for. Rant over. Starting the New Year with one of my Twin Builds done; having some minor issues with the other. I'm also buil;ding up Materials stock fopr another Scale build twice my usual size... A Shawcraft Mk2. Wish me luck.· 2 replies
Mark Smith
Screwfix are selling 'Evolution' electric mitre saws for £59.99. Deal ends on the 5th.· 0 replies
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By John · Posted
Is this 2025 or 2026? The title has one year and the tag another. -
By Prydonian · Posted
Sadly my speciality isn't producing 3D printable models, I'm just not very good at it. -
By Dalek Two Zero · Posted
I recently found a pic of Sophie Aldred sitting in a Dalek. The front near side quarter from skirt to neck opened in one as a door! Maybe I go back to the front of the shoulders opening as a door... -
By Mark Casto · Posted
Well I think thats about it now for Dalek Oracle as he joins my other three Daleks Dalek Rad Dalek Bert Dalek Ernie I have loved making these guys and it's all thanks to Project Dalek getting me started and my good friends who have helped along the way what a crazy adventure it's been making them. I have been to many events with them and had the most fun ever running around inside them shouting exterminate exterminate. I have also learned a great deal from everyone on this journey and would like to thank each of you for helping me get to this point. So here he is in all his glory just a few little jobs to do but essentially that's it for now oh yes and must get a bigger shed now. lol
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