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Dalek Two Zero
Sad news about Tony Slattery - I had the pleasure of meeting him both in and out of a Dalek last September.· 2 replies
Here is the low res Dalek eyecam footage - he shook my claw!
Daniel Parr1
DALEK MOULDS ?· 0 replies
hello all,
was wondering if anyone would be able to supply me with a full set of accurate NSD Fiberglass moulds?
My Dalek skirt is made from 18mm ply, with 6mm MDF, its heavy, so wondering whether to split it in two, your thoughts out there please?· 2 replies
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By ddoherty958 · Posted
@Damian Trasler Thank you for the kind words! I really just enjoy it. Sharing files with others is great too. -
By Damian Trasler · Posted
Awesome job! I'm always impressed when folks are not only printing, they're designing in CAD programs (or other modelling ones). I think everyone should try this to understand what an achievement it is! -
By Damian Trasler · Posted
Another bait-and-switch weekend, where I thought I'd have all the time I need to carefully fix the mistakes I was making. Sadly, it seems I have many other responsibilities, meaning dalek work gets pushed into smaller time increments, increasing the mistakes instead of fixing them. As an added bonus, I feel guilty about the time I spend screwing up my hobby, then people ask me why I do something that makes me grumpy. And hey, why don't I clear up my workshop before, during and after my hobby so it's neater for other people to use? It's hard not to feel resentful, to be honest. So today I am drawing a line under what I expect to get done. I've primed the skirt, using goddam house paint. Why? Well, I've managed to use the world's most absorbent material to clad the skirt this time, and it just sucks up any other type of paint I put on there. I only have limited amounts of metallic paint, even if it's limited amounts of the wrong f****ng colour, and I would hate for it all to be absorbed into the skirt without changing the colour of the cladding. Plus all the spraying was making my head hurt, despite the extractor running full pelt and the door to outside being open. So, yeah, feeling stupid, feeling guilty, feeling headachey, feeling cold, AND achieving very little. There are days, aren't there?
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