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    2. Dalek Builder's Workshop Manual   (79,982 visits to this link)

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      All plans and other downloads are supplied in Adobe PDF format. To access them, validated members can follow the links from here.

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      • MrNicoster
    2. 1.1k
      • Ekij
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      • psabin8951
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      • Centurion
    2. Downloads Talk

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    3. Plans Discussion

      Problems with plans? Disagree with dims?
      Frank open discussion welcome here.

      • John
  5. Member's Daleks

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      Superb 'hands-on' reference material for new builders. When you start to build your (full size) Dalek, please join in by contributing your build diaries and photos here.

      • Ghaak
    2. Dalek Showcase

      A place to show off your finished Daleks. Please share your photos with us here, even if you've already completed a build diary.

    3. 2.2k
      • Aussie Kev
    4. Active Members Area

      Information, plans, downloads etc for active Project Dalek members

  6. The Workshop: Dalek Construction & Design Discussions

    1. 1.3k
      • Mike Aubert
    2. 2: The Neck

      Cutting the rings and making the struts. Assembling the neck cage and neck bin.

      • Dalek Garlic
    3. 1.4k
      • RepeatedMeme
    4. 1.7k
      • RepeatedMeme
    5. 611
      • Butch
    6. 5k
      • donlock
    7. 7: Finishing Off

      Colour schemes, detailing, finishing touches.

      • RepeatedMeme
  7. Build Techniques

    1. Working with GRP

      Problems with fibreglassing or moulds? Ask here.

      • Nimitz
    2. Working with Wood & MDF

      Working with wood. Making wooden sections. Problems and solutions.

      • DalekDucky
    3. Working with Metals

      Collars, slats and mesh. Best materials, cutting and shaping.

      • Bob69
    4. Plastics

      What type and when to use it. PETG, acrylic, polystyrene. Vac forming and pressure forming etc.

      • Dalek Norvic
    5. Paint

      Paint types, compatibility, priming, spraying techniques, finishing and polishing.

      • ChristmasDalek
    6. Other Materials

      Post here for help with materials not covered above!

      • anthony lathrop
  8. 3D Printing, Scanning, Laser Cutting & CNC

    1. 3D Design, Development & Finishing

      General discussions about models and files for 3D printing, CNC and laser cutting. Topics related to parts development and post-print finishing techniques etc.

      • Wictor
    2. 3D Printer Discussions

      Discussions related to 3D printer hardware and software. 3D scanners and scanning. Printers rated and reviewed. Troubleshooting, upgrades, tips and tricks.

      • brutusb69
    3. Printed Part Showcase

      Upload photos of your work to showcase your creations. Don't forget to share your files by submitting them to the Downloads section. 

      • John
  9. Electronics & Electrical

    1. Voice Modulators

      All voice-mod related questions, reviews, research and development in here, please.

      • Mark Casto
    2. General Electronics & Electrical

      Non voice-mod electrical topics such as wiring, lighting etc.

      • Dougie C
    3. Motorisation

      Adding motors, batteries, control units, PIR etc.

      • PhuketAussie
  10. Alternative Dalek Building

    1. Scale Daleks

      Just getting into dalek building? Decided to build a scale model before you attempt a full size version? Talk about it here.

      • donlock
    2. Virtual Daleks

      A place for the discussion, development and display of CGI Daleks and CG Dalek related items.

      • simon83079
    3. Speculative Dalek Projects

      Are you considering building Dalek that's a little different? Plans still on the drawing board? Post here for discussions, advice and help.

      • DaveL
  11. The History Channel

    1. A History Of The Dalek Props

      A detailed, in-depth look at the History of the Dalek props.

      • RepeatedMeme
    2. The Family Album

      Did you or someone you know meet/photograph a Dalek in the 60's, 70's or 80's? Did you take photographs of Daleks at a fete or at the Blackpool Doctor Who exhibition etc? PLEASE email or share your pics here.

      • John
    3. The Oddballs

      Exhibition Daleks, stage Daleks, Edwin Hall Dalek ride etc.

      • Chris Moliere
  12. Project Dalek Community

    1. Events, Conventions and Meet-ups

      Now you've built your Dalek, why not get involved?
      Create events or let others know about events you're planning to attend. Sign up for and chat about existing events. It doesn't matter if you're not the organiser... if you're attending you can tell everyone here.

      Events will be publicised and shared across our pages on social media.

      • Dalek Two Zero
  13. The Dalek Basement

    1. Talking Daleks

      Dalek-related exhibitions, news, websites, suppliers and other items of interest to Dalek builders. See the sub forum (inside) for Dalek toys, models & DVDs.

      • donlock
    2. Downtime

      Dalek related but not build related, (no fiction). Post it here and we might let it stay, if it's interesting!


  • Featured Topics

  • Recent Status Updates

    • Dalek Two Zero

      Dalek Two Zero

      · 0 replies
    • Dalek tri

      Dalek tri

      · 1 reply
    • Dalek Two Zero

      Dalek Two Zero

      The reason why I said "YOU'RE MY WIFE NOW!" to Alex Kingston... 
      In 2023 I was invited to Beat Fest in Liverpool Central Library, and while roaming outside I ended up in 3 sets of wedding photos - one of which my photographer mate captured. 
      I've always posted this photo with that caption, so it made sense to say it when I met the Doctor's Wife last week 
      · 0 replies
    • Dalek Two Zero

      Dalek Two Zero

      Alex Kingston gets a cheeky wink!
      By closing then opening my iris quickly I can deliver a cheeky wink, which for utter clarity I will generally announce I am doing: "I WILL GIVE YOU A CHEEKY WINK!"
      I also said "YOU'RE MY WIFE NOW!" which she didn't buy...
      Though I have a camera in my eye, it's low res - these are stills from the video in my neck. I'm building a new front mesh screen for Two Zero carrying this cam bottom right and a fake night view cam top left.
      · 0 replies
    • Aussie Kev

      Aussie Kev  »  Dalek Two Zero

      Any reason for the child safe mode on the YouTube videos.
      The Notification symbol is turned off. That's the little bell symbol with a left to right diagonal line through it.
      On a closer look, then YouTube says that 'This action is turned off for content that is Made for Kids'.
      Kevin has had to search for some of these videos.
      Many of these videos are intended for adult's.
      Next to impossible to get any new subscribers to your channel while you are in child safe mode.
      · 5 replies
  • New Posts

    • RepeatedMeme
      Update.   JK: "..18B27 from the BS5252 range.. It's a bit darker than a Dark Admiralty Grey, but with the same colour balance. " 
    • Ghaak
      I initially marked and cut out the top and bottom skirt frame sections, using 18mm Ply. As I am using 6mm MDF for the skirt panels I reduced the top and bottom sections by this amount. I also applied chamfers to the edges of these sections to allow for the angles of the panels. I next marked and cut out the Base section along with the 70mm and 90mm Fender sections and fourteen 18mm brackets. I’m hoping I can use 2 brackets on each of the three larger Fender sections and 1 on the other smaller sections. After checking measurements for accuracy, I noticed that the top frame section of the skirt was about 15mm shorter than it should be. As this may have an effect on the finished appearance of the Dalek I will be making that piece again. I have taken delivery of 40 Christmas gift baubles which equates to 80 hemispheres, so plenty of spares should there be any mishaps, plus 2 stainless steel gazing globes for use with the Gun and Arm units. I have been thinking about the order of the building operations such as which section to do first and so on. With some parts I’m not sure it really matters. Parts that can be 3D Printed for instance can pretty much be done at any time during the project. However, after looking at other builds that have powerchairs included in the build, I think I would prefer to get that part sorted out first and not have to make difficult alterations later. I will therefore be starting from the ground up and build the rest around the powerchair.      
    • Dalek Two Zero
    • John Kelly
      Most of these have now been claimed! Remaining;   1 - almost 1L of gloss black 7 - approx 4L of Revelation of the Daleks Necros cream
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      Mark Casto
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